This week was great!! I am seeing more and more the little ways that the church is growing here and I think if I was somewhere else that was moving faster I would miss these little miracles.
First thing I have to get out of the way because I know especially that my dad is dieing to know how the bee farm was, and holy cow it was so cool!! We show up to this guys farm and he was the coolest Romanian I have met to date. he was not a member, but he is in our English classes and loves the missionaries so invited our district over for a barbecue in the middle of his honey farm. We get there and the air is filled with bees. FILLED! And I just think to myself, well Dad's bees never stung me, so I will be fine.
We got to a little clearing surrounded by beehives were there was a little fire pit over which we cooked mici. Mici (Mee-che) n. : a really good/ not good meat sausage thing. I am not really sure what it is, but I do know it is actually illegal to sell in the USA because it is a little dangerous as far as food poisoning goes. As we are cooking this he takes us over a little bit at a time to check out his hives, as the first group was coming I was taking pictures of them, and I got a bee stuck in my hair right by my ear. Can you guess what happened next? Well I ran over to the romanian woman who was at the barbeque as well and she was trying to help me get it out of my hair, but it stung my right on my ear lobe! Ouch! and it was in my freakin' ear, the poor thing, dying, biting me, flapping its little wings so loudly. So we got that out, then got the stinger out of my ear. But for the rest of the time the bees kept swarming over Sora R's and my hair. We think it was our shampoo we used that attracted them to us. But hey, I got stung by a bee on a bee farm in Romania, cool story right?
So then it was our turn to go check out the hives and get pictures, so I p[ut on the hat thing and walked through the cloud of bees without a worry. I am a missionary and am protected from death by bees. As he showed me the frames I picked out one of the drones, (like I said DAD you would have been proud).
We ate sooo much food! Holy cow. Mici, bread, watermelon, I ate like 3/8ths of the biggest watermelon ever after I was full to the throwing up point. Then there was a huge bowl of plums (The best plums ever!) And then a huge bowl of popcorn, and all of us kept eating. And my whole district kept saying to me, "You are so spoiled! This is the best dinner appointment ever, you are so spoiled." Seriously so fun:) And the bee farmer and his friend recited Romanian Poetry, it was so pretty! wish I would have recorded some of it. They really love their poets here, and I love that about them. Then as we were talking and eating the church just came up naturally and we were able to share our simple testimonies with them and answer their questions about the gospel. So cool!
Me goin' to the bee farm!
Here are some of the hives. This was right before I got stung.
Yea, that is me under that hat thing.
Mici! And I think there was a wasp that got stuck in my hair too, it is getting fried with the mici as that is were it fell after Elder D saved my life and smacked it out.
More bee hives, both sides have hives on them.
This is the Elders on the way to go contact in the park, I though it looked cool.
This is our younger English class in Costelo, they are so cute!!!
We also went on a split with two of the coolest sisters I have ever met. I was with Andrea and Sora R went with Elena. Andrea is waiting for her missin call it should get here this week, so excited for that. And Sora E reminds me of Kenzie. She actually has a Mormon message about her here at this website, I think if you watch it you will see the similarities of her and my dear sister:)
(Also as a side note Alin is the branch president here, and his mormon message was just published yesterday so you can watch that one too:) I have been to his apartment, but have not signed the fridge yet. The fridge is signed by all the missionaries who have served here.)
Anyways so I went on splits. Sora R went to go teach a lesson and I got to teach the English class. It was the biggest turn out of English students ever, usually we get 2 people, maybe in our class but for some reason we had 8 people in my class! It went really well, and Andrea helped me so much with my Romanian. I know without a doubt she will be a fantastic missionary.
This week we also had a huge turn out to our activity for the 24th. We had a pioneer day of our own where we taught the members about the history of the church in Romanian and helped them realize that they are the pioneers of Romania. The church is so new here! We have only had this mission opened for about 20 years, and when you compare our success of a 20 year mission to other missions like Italy when it was about 20 years old the church here is growing so fast! Which hopefully means that in about 50 years we will get a temple here in Romania:) haha:) I know, I am a dork.
At the activity we had as many investigator come as there were members, the food was great, and everyone worked so hard to pull it off. I really am blessed to be in this part of Romania. The members here have the strongest testimonies I have ever seen, they really are pioneers and they are so willing to help us with the missionary work we need to do here.
As a new missionary I am going trough a training program called 12-week. Where we study how to give lessons and watch The District to get some new insights. (If you don't know what that is, it is a documentary series of missionaries in California that kinda walk us through how to plan and contact and watch a perfect missionary in the perfect everyday life). Sora R and I keep joking that they need to make a "District" movie Romanian version to represent the missions that are foreign. Because it is sooooo different! The principles of the gospel are the same, but how to find people in a foreign country would have been a fantastic addition to the district. I mean you just don't see an entire family of gypsies living, literally living in the bushes behind your local bus stop in San Diego.
In case you do not know, the church is true. I know it with all my heart. And so is the Book of Mormon. I read it everyday and I love the words, the stories and the principles of goodness it teaches.
I love you all and I hope you have a wonderful week!!
-Sora Long