Monday, October 20, 2014

English Class

This week was definitely one of the crazier ones of my life.  No big deal, just the everyday things from being a missionary in Romania.  I ripped another skirt this week. Waddoyado? That is three skirts down, took them to the tailor we will see what happens. 

This weeks English class was literally going to be the best ever we decided to teach the students what a s'more was. Yes! There are people in the world who have no idea what a s'more is.  So we had our class in the kitchen roasting marshmallows over the stove.  (Just as a side note they didn't know what a marshmallow was as well.) When we heard a crash.  We run out and on the ground is our one and a half legged English student with blood in a ppol around his head on the floor.  Elder M was trying to help him up and yelled, "Get Ioan!" So I turned around and got another English student Ioan to come out and help.  They wiped the blood out of his eyes and you could see the gash above his right eye brow.  He missed a step and fell hitting the edging of the wall and cracking his head open.  The ambulance, if you could call it that, took about 30 minutes to come, so the guy ended up leaving in someones car.  Hopefully he will be okay, but I have a feeling that nothing will keep him from showing up to our English class tomorrow. 

We had a lesson with 4 of our new investigators and they are progressing very well. It is so exciting to see the growth of people.  We had a service project this week with a member in the ward.  I deleted all of my mission photos because of a virus, but I got most of them back.  There are some crazy virus' in Romania! Super irritating...  Overall it was a good week:) 

-Sora Long

1 comment:

  1. You are a very good teacher Sora Long. Keep using all your talent. When I was serving and loving the children of God. I discover myself and The wisdom of Our Hevenly Father.
