This week!!!!!!!!!!
So to start off transfer boards came out I cannot believe I am already starting another transfer, it goes by so fast!! And my companion, Sora Ralls, is no longer mine. To which news I am super sad about. It is had having good companions and watching them leave. Sora Ruiz, Sora Ralls, and Sora Quist. love ya all! I love my companions! Sora Ralls and I have had so much fun this transfer and worked so hard, and have become the best of friends. The second shocker, I am staying in Constanta! Weird. I am happy about that though:) These are literally the only members I know in Romania, I love working with them and visiting with them, serving them, etc. My new companion is Sora Sayre who was the only Sister missionary I remember meeting on my first day in Romania besides my companion. And she was so nice, even though I am sure talking to my tired jet-lagged self was like conversing with a bucket of nails. Boring.
This week has been really cool. We have been let into so many homes to give lessons down here it is almost unheard of. One day we were cutting through a market and out of the crowd a woman yelled "hey!" We turned around and she came up to us and asked if we were Mormon.
"Yes, we are."
"What time is church on Sunday?"
"It starts at 10:00, would you like to meet with us this week to go?"
"No I can't this week but I will be there next Sunday."
"Oh good! What is your name?"
"It doesn't matter. Can you get me one of your books?"
"A Book of Mormon?"
"We have one right here," We of course excitedly pull one out. "You know about this book? That it was written by ancient prophets?"
"Yes, how much does it cost?"
"It is free."
"Ok, thank you bye!" She got the book, and said she would see us at church next week.
It was seriously the quickest conversation, and the fastest contact ever. I loved it:) It is very strange when people come up to us on the streets because the church is so small here so we know when someone approaches us it is a miracle every time. I am excited to learn her name at church next weekend.
Also this week I was trying to lock the church door but instead I just broke the key in the door? I am not really sure how that happened besides a combination of my talent and the fact that doors in Romania are weird. But this is the 3rd key to break in a lock from missionaries in our district. Just in the last couple weeks! All of them from different doors!! So of course we get the info to find the best key shop and head to the area to get another copy of a key. We got there and we set our Book of Mormons on the counter and while he was making us a copy he told us that he didn't feel like a book could change someones life, that you can only know about things from God by feeling something inside of us. Holy Ghost? Yes. We explained that we believe that this book could change his life so we let him borrow it for a couple days to read and we get to go pick it up this week and talk with him about it. Come to find out we went to the wrong key store that the Elders had gone to twice. SO. Our reasoning with 3 different sets of missionaries snapping their keys in half was due to the fact that we kept getting our keys copied at the wrong store. The church is true. Or missionaries are just to strong for keys here in Romania.
Once we left that same key store a gypsy woman started following us and asking for money. She was holding this little baby and saying "Frumoasa, Frumoasa, un Leu." Beautifuls, beautifuls, one dollar, my baby is hungry. It was actually really scary and I thought we were about to be robbed by this woman or by her gypsy friends who were all watching us. She seriously would not leave us alone and at one point Sora Ralls and I turned a corner and found a dead end. The gypsy woman layed her hand on Sora Ralls' shoulder and I pulled Sora Ralls away and told the woman to leave. And we literally ran away.
As we were walking a little ways away some gypsy children started begging us and we told them we couldn't give them anything. (It is illegal for us to give them anything) The little girl followed us for a bit then when we turned away and started walking she poked me in the bum and made a loud squealing noise? I don't know how to explain the sound she made, a trill of her R's really high pitched. But the point is I actually got goosed by a 6 year old gypsy girl accompanied with some tune-age.
Then we got on a bus to go to a lesson soon after that and while we were on the bus a group of boys our age started to be weird. One of them sat behind us and grabbed Sora Ralls' red hair at the end and I snatched her hair away from his hands and we got off of that bus. But the whole time they kept closing in on us at the far end. At one point one boy got really close and he was creepy and kept asking us,"Speek English?" and Sora Ralls said "HEY" really loud and the whole bus turned and looked at this kid and they left us alone.
That was just a strange day over all... Just another week here in Romania! I feel like there are times when we are watched over very carefully and guided to get out and steer clear of scary situations. I feel safer here than I did in Provo. Which is interesting... I love this branch and the people here so much! I miss you all and I hop you have a great week. This morning was the first day of school and all of the kids were dressed up in suits and dresses and carrying huge flower arrangements to school. The first day of school here is a big deal!! The kids don't have to worry about picking out an outfit, it is a suit, or a dress. Love ya'll! Bye!
-Sora Long