Monday, February 16, 2015

Valentines Day: Half Way there!! February 16, 2015

​ So this last Valentines day was my official Half-way mark.  9 months down, 9 to go.  9 moths ago on May 14th I started my mission!! So crazy, it is going by so fast. And it was so awesome!! It is weird to think I will be counting down from here out instead of counting up!!
For our English class on Tuesday we had a S'mores roasting activity.  As I have mention before I think, people here have no idea what a s'more is so it becomes a super fun activity to share some of our American cuisine. We had a group of almost 20 people gathered in the small church kitchen roasting marshmallows over to open gas flame.  (They didn't even know what a marshmallow was!!) So fun!! There was one student who had come to church last Sunday and started talking to another student about it.  This student then asked, when is church? I want to come!! And promised she would come next week.  Others were very interested in the prospect of coming to church after hearing about it from one of the other students. It was pretty much awesome:)

This week we literally had the best time.  We had a bloc knocking war with the Elders, meaning you knock on as many doors as you can and have a point system involved.  1 point for a door.  2 points for a dog. 10 points for someone who wasn't Orthodox. 10 points for a shirtless guy, etc.  Sora Merkley and I scored 140 points!! And won!! We are the Bloc knock Queens!! and the Elders owe us a cake that is frosted to say just that:) It was awesome:) While bloc knocking we were let into an old woman's home via sondaj (polling) and she was so cute! She just cried at the thought that we were here to help her if she needed us. We had come in while she was watching the Orthodox slujba (Church service), which was interesting.

We decided to have a Branch Valentines Day activity which meant the day before Sora Merkley and I were at the church making all of the dough.  Then that morning on Valentines Day we baked soooo many heart shaped cookies!!! I should have counted them.  But while we were in the kitchen baking cookies Sora Merkely left the room to go to the bathroom, or so I thought.  Then she pops into the room singing at the top of her lungs "OHHHHH!!! Half-Way there, Ohh!! Ohh!! livin' on a prayer!!" (by Journey) and she is holding this huge bouquet of roses spray painted with glitter.  And the Elders are dancing behind her like little back-up dancers.  So funny!! She had set up with the Elders to go get the roses for me for my half-way mark!! It was the best. The best part is that I have a good portion of it on video because my camera was readily at hand;) Best roses I ever got on Valentines day!
Then two of our English student who are the two cutest girls ever showed up a little early and helped us make the rest of the cookies and helped us with the dishes and everything, I couldn't believe how nice they were! I seriously love my English class always the highlight of my week.

 We decorated sugar cookies and had a table set up to make Valentines. We had it start right after English.  The entire English class stayed for the spiritual thought then ALL of them stayed for at least 30-40 minutes of the activity.  There was a really good turn out from the branch and they were all talking to the members of English class.  Then one of the members requested some karaoke so soon all the members were singing their favorite songs and dancing to their favorite folk music.  I was laughing so incredibly hard! At one point one of the older women grabbed an Elder and started dancing with him.  I had tears coming out of my eyes I was laughing so hard as he tried to wiggle out. Then everyone gathered in a big circle and I watched as they all danced traditional Romanian dances.  Then the cute English students grabbed my hand and tried to teach me how to dance in the big circle.  I love those girls!! One English student stayed for the entire activity which meant she was at the church for 3 hours and she kept leaning over to Sora Merkley and I and saying, " I feel so good here at your place.  I feel so happy here." She didn't want to leave.  At one point she looked at a picture of Joseph Smith in the grove and read out loud, "This is my beloved son hear him" in Romanian and in response she said "Asa e!" Or in other words "So true!" It was so funny because she had no idea who Joseph Smith was!! Hopefully we will be able to tell her. Everyone had a great time, one of my favorite days on my mission, if not my favorite.  I am still laughing to myself at the sound of Romanians lip-syncing to English songs when they don't know English!! Mom you would be proud.  We showed the group how to do the chicken dance and the cha cha slide.  Just a room full of old people having a freakin' blast!!
Then the next day at church I had a back up talk prepared and got to give it.  It went really well for how much Romanian I don't know.  Just had to follow my notes, but I didn't read it word for word like I have in the past. Of course I talked about twue love and how we can have that in our lives.  Then I sat down at the piano bench afterword and played "Love one another" for the break hymn.  I am doing pretty good at the piano, practice man.  Works miracles.  I think The soon to be Elders Alden and Dalan should probably start working on their piano skills.... just sayin'. One of the members apparently approached my companion and threatened to stop singing in Sacrament meeting if I kept choosing songs that she didn't know how to sing. Another member as he was giving his talk started wondering to himself whether or not Christ was white"Really, he could be black, yellow or red, we don't know for sure." Another one elbowed me and said, "Sora Long, I love you!" In English and then told me she could have danced all night at the activity the day before.  These members kill me they are so funny!

The Church is true!!! Love one another!! I love you guys!!! Woot!! I AM HALF WAY THERE!!!! OHHH!! JUST LIVIN' ON MY PRAYERS! Thank you for all of your prayers!!

Sora Long

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