I have never had someone ask so many questions about the plan of salvation or about anything in a lesson before. She asked sooooo many questions!! And she shot them at rapid fire and thank the heavens my rusty gift of tongues switch was switched on. I understood every word she said and even better I was able to answer here questions with amazing clarity. I remember speaking and hearing the ridiculous grammar principle that I have been studying but can't seem to understand how to use yet, just pop out of my mouth with out a hesitation. It was cool cheese. She asked if the Celestial kingdom would be on the earth, if we would all by resurrected at the same time or at different times, She asked if someone in the spirit world who didn't get a chance to hear about the gospel could still be saved. Answer, yes. The spirit was so strong when we talked about the spirit world.
I shared with her my testimony that I have gained through researching my ancestry and she really liked that even though we did not go into full blown temple work. It was a really deep lesson because she was a person that has already been prepared to accept what we say as truth and dig deeper. It was really cool!! At the end we knelt down together and she said the sweetest prayer, she is just learning how to pray. I cannot wait to meet with her again. She is going to be baptized.
We also visited Georgeta a less active member here who is the cutest old lady. She asked me how much schooling I had and I answered and said I had been at college for 4 years before my mission. She understood that as I only attended 4th grade. So she then started to educate me about the theory of evolution and the histories behind each world war, the history of Romania, America, anything that she could talk about to try and catch me up to speed. (Literally while I was typing this she called me on the phone, weird!) It was hilarious when I explained that I had been in school for a total of 17 years, not 4:)
I have some fun pictures from my skype call with my family:
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The Family! They are so beautiful!! |
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Mom eating an Oreo in front of my face, rude, but whateve it is her day she can do what she wants:) |
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And a little squirrel checking out some new sheets, this was prompted by the joke that I authored and shared with my family. Ready for it?
Q: What happened to the little Chipmunk when he was sitting on the lawn?
A: He got Moldova!!!
That was Sora Long from the Romania/Moldova Mission
Signing out!
-Sora Long
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