Monday, May 4, 2015

Midnight Slujba!

This week was the Orthodox Easter and man what a blast!!! I had so much fun talking to people on the streets and at their door steps this week.  All of them would ask if I believed Christ had been resurrected and I responded by saying,  "Sigur ca da!"
I had the opportunity to attend the Easter midnight mass here at the Orthodox Cathedral which is the biggest Cathedral in all of Romania.  We waited outside of the church and at midnight the bells tolled and priest came out from the two churches that we were sandwiched in between, singing "Hristos a Înviat," and the whole crowd would reply, "Adevarat a Înviat." The Priest were carrying huge torches and lit candles as they passed.  The flame from the torches was passed through the crowd candle by candle.  They say the flame traveled all the way from Jerusalem, but I doubt the authenticity of that claim.  But it is cool to think the flame came all the way from the church in Jerusalem which is believed to have been built on the place where Chirst was crucified.  I had this little candle lit in my hand by my friendly neighborhood Romanian and I listen to the priest read from the New Testament about the resurrection of Jesus Christ.  Every now and then he would inject a , "Hristos a Inviat" And we would all reply, "Adevarat a Inviat." I have some really cool videos and pictures from the ceremony, but it will have to wait until I come home:) I have soo many pictures from my mission it is ridiculous!!! Be excited.  Anyways, I love you all! Until next week.
-Sora Long

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