Monday, January 26, 2015

The Secret Wine Bottle January 26, 2015

We were so close to get what is called here in the mission a Perfect Day.  I mean so close,  one lesson didn't work out and we fell just short.  Oh well. Better luck next time.

We also met with our investigator Elena this week who works at an indoor track.  We visit her and give her lessons at work.   We shared a small spiritual thought about the Book of Mormon, but it was interrupted when we were there a co-worker came into the office and spilled handfuls of sunflower seeds into our pockets.  Then he reached under the desk in the corner and pulled out a small teacup and headed over to the lockers.  "No!" Said Elena, "You have had enough!!" She had a huge smile on her face. Then the man reasoned with her saying, "You can give some to the young ladies too!" "They don't drink wine!" she replied.  "But they haven't tried homemade Romanian village wine!" She peeked around the corner and unlocked her locker to pull out a bag with a large jug in it.  Someone walked into the room and they hurriedly stuff the jug into the cupboard and the teacup behind his back.  They saw who it was, another co-worker who was apparently "in" the cool club and pulled the jug out which had appeared to be a 2 liter Pepsi bottle.  Elena has been asking us to bring her bottles to put stuff in it, but I just never connected until that minute that we were supplying her with wine bottles!!!

While we waited for Elena to get done with work we sat and watched Romanian Pole-vaulters!! One kid was soaring over 21 feet!! It was weird to hear the coach give them advice in Romanian.  And even weirder to hear the kids explain their frustration in Romanian.  It was so cool!! One girl ended the day sobbing on the matt after failing all three attempts. And every now and then a really nice man who smelled faintly of Village made wine would come up to us and fill the palm of our hands with sunflowers give us the Shhhh sign.  He was really cool!!!  

Three kids came up to us, the one in the middle the leader of his little posse and asked us what school were we from.  We responded we were not from here, and when he got the whiff of our accents he and his two followers left rather quickly.  Don't try to flirt with us you 14 year olds!!! We are like 8 years your senior!!! Hahaah!!! It was good fun. 

-Sora Long

Bumpin' in Bacau January 19, 2014

Take a look at this cute picture!!! This will be my companion for the next six weeks and we are pumped!!!!!!!! Transfer boards came out and nothing is changing in Bacau so I am really excited. I love my companion:) It is really nice to have a companion who is as Redneck as I am.  She is actually more Redneck than I am come to think of it. No stop talking about four wheelers, guns, duck dynasty, hunting, or ...should I say it?.... cute country singers:) This is Sora Merkley's last transfer on her mission so we have made some pretty insane goals.  Only speaking Romanian from 9am to 9pm is one of them.  She is also going to stop drinking pop, don't know if I can give up my pepsi or coke quite yet (AKA caffeine). But crazy things:)
This week was super fun!! President Iachimov from Bucarest stoped by in our city to talk to us about some exciting ideas he had for Institute Online.  Which was super crazy!! Because literally two days before I had been studying and praying about how to find people here in Bacau and the word Institute popped into my head, so I wrote it on the window next to me in white board marker.  Because of my job tutoring and teaching online I was really able to give him some helpful feed back for his ideas.  It was super cool and super random because it was such a last minute meeting.
The city of Bacau has also been experiencing problems with water pressure.  I noticed the church on Saturday had no water which I mentioned to the Elders that it might be a problem, they said it would be fine.  But they did not connect the dots that no water meant, no usable bathrooms... seeewww... that was a good realization for the Elders. 
We also got home from church to find our apartment water out, no worries!! We have a water supply!!! It has been going on and off for the past 3 days now. That meant this morning I showered using a power-aid bottle as a shower head;) Romania really is a second world country and I love the adventure:)
Just livin' it up here in this city:) I love this city!! The members are super hilarious and very dedicated. We just need to find more of them.
Love ya'll!!
-Sora Long

The Coldest Train Wreck Ever January 6, 2015

This week was absolutely insane!! 
First off I dyed my blonde, like... Romanian Fake Blonde. It is almost orange:) I really fit in with the culture now:) It is great.  
Apologies for not writing yesterday as I was in Bucharest for an eye doctors appointment. All is well, the things in my eyes are called floaters. I have had these little dots popping up in my vision since I came to Romania and I wasn't too worried about it but it needed to be checked out.  This morning while reading my scriptures three of them kept dancing around on the page. Sora Ivory the mission presidents wife invited us to dinner with the missionaries in Bucaresti for Thai food and it was so good!! I loved talking with Sora Ivory she is a pretty cool person!

I went on an exchange with the Sister Training Leaders Sora Write and Sora Gee in the city of Galati.  The Elders were with us because they had a exchange as well. Super fun!! The train ride there is about 5 hours long and we get off at this small little town called Maresesti literally in the middle of nowhere to switch trains.  Our tickets say there is a 6 minute window before our next train leaves which is a good thing because it was the coldest day of the year at -4 degrees farenheight outside. So we jump off our train and run into the station which is literally the same temperature as outside. Long story short there was a misprint on where the train was supposed to be and a worker told us the wrong thing so we missed out train. "A venit si a plecat!!!" Said the angry worker. Translated, "It came and now it is gone." There was also an I told you so moment as there was literally one train at the station at the time ours was suppose to be there and I asked, "is that our train?" "No" "It is the only other train here, that has to be our train." "No." So I was totally right:) haha It was great. Missing this train wasn't that big of a deal because the worker promised that we could swap our tickets for the later train to Galati, the only problem being that... It was going to come to the station in 3 1/2 hours and as I mentioned at the beginning of the e-mail, it was freezin' cold outside.  So we sat in this tiny little Gara in the middle of nowhere for 3 1/2 hours.  I really do not think I have ever been so cold in my life!!

There was an Elder in my group who had not bought a winter coat yet and was wearing just a wind breaker!!! Crazy!! The train finally comes after the 3 1/2 hour wait in freezing cold temperatures. The lady points it out and assures us it will get us to Galati.  It is literally the size of a bus, and it is a bench train.  Bench trains are the sketchiest types of trains, they are really cheap and people bribe their way on board for cheaper so the people on the train, they are scary.  We look in one cabin and see it is filled with Gypsies, so we take the second cabin.  When we get in it is literally colder than the Gara was.  But it is ok, I and my companion dressed warm.  Thank heavens I accidently put on 2 scarves!!! We are waiting for our train to leave and the hooligans from the other cabin see us in there all alone and decide to come bother us. They were really drunk and started speaking to us in Romanian, but Sora Merkley and I pretended not to know Romanian but really we understood everything they were saying. It was kind of really scary and I was really glad that we were traveling with the Elders at that moment. They told the Elders they were going to a town called Tecuci. I was also sad I had just dyed my hair because the gypsies really liked my blond hair.  Like ... a lot! Anyways.  They tormented us for a good 20 minutes and Sora Merkley came up with a brilliant idea to ditch them. Hehehe.  So right before the train was suppose to leave, we jump off and get onto the other cart away from our tormenters.  They were not to happy we left, but the conductors wouldn't let them come into the other cabin with us.  Thank heavens for the conductors right!!

So finally we are on this train it starts to move and even though we are surrounded by gypsies the drunk ones are stuck on the other half of the train. The heaters in this part of the train were not working so it was even colder.  The conductor comes up to us and asks for our tickets. He then tells us we are on a 20 minute train ride that will not take us to Galati..... BLEH. It takes us to a little town called Tecuci where we will have to switch tickets again and wait for another 1 1/2 hours for the next train to Galati.  Literally I don't think you understand how cold it was. There was a literal pile of snow in the middle of this train car. It didn't even think about melting.

So we get to this Gara and we hang out there in the cold for 1 1/2 hours and finally our train comes and it is one of the new trains.  Really, pretty, nice seats and I could cry from happiness:) Seriously one of the nicest and fanciest trains I have seen in Romania. We sit down and it is still cold.  We look up and there is this huge hole in the window that the tried to fill with cocking for around a kitchen sink. So that was a three hour train ride.  My companion took a picture of me on this train and I am shacked up in my coat trying to get warm.  I did get warm:) But I was also in a skirt, so my legs were cold as flamingos. It got down to -10 that night and the high for that day was -2. 

The next day was our exchange which went really well.  It was the coldest day of the year with the high at -9 and the low at -55 and I was still scared from the cold from the day before.  I went with Sora Gee and we went down this snowy hill by the Danube river on our butts because the stairs were frozen solid.  It was like a giant slide!! SUPER FUN!

Sunday was the best part of my week though:) 23 people came to church, that was record breaking.  Every seat was filled!! And we ran out of sacrament cups.  4 people were investigators and it was pretty dang cool:) I am getting better at the whole pianist thing.  But in this ward there are a couple people who will always sing louder than the piano and they mess me up, super hard core.  Because those little sweet spirits add there own Romanian progressions to the songs instead of singing what is on the page.  In other words they sing super off key.  And it messes me up every time!!! I even messed up on Praise to the Man and that is  my Jam!! I could play that with my eyes closed!!! HAHAHAH Lovin' it.  Lovin' life.  Love you guys!!!

I GOT ALL MY MAIL FROM YOU BECAUSE I WAS IN BUCAREST!!! Thank you so much!! You are all the best from writing me all of those letters!! I love you so much the church is true, no matter how out of tune the branch is!!!

Sora Long

More Bears!! And other cool masks.  The guy on a left is dressed as a gypsy woman.

Romanian Primary. We have so much fun!!!!
My blonde Hair. Yep it is a little Orange :)

La Multi Ani! January 5, 2014 Scratch that 2015!!! :)

La Multi Ani! means some thing like To many years! Or in other words.....


I am sitting in a internet café surrounded by gaming junkies.  After being here 4 weeks I can officially say I see the same kids every Monday playing their video games as I write to all of you.  I think we are becoming great acquaintances:) They are all yelling really quickly in Romanian and every now and then they say three worded phrases in English that are pronounced very badly and mean something even worse.
In other news, this week was great!! The festivities have finally quieted down but not after seeing more dancing groups.  I also discovered what was the meaning  of all these groups.  I asked one of the members her what tradition was saying, "I mean they don't even sound good."  The reply, "They are not suppose to sound good."
Yep. Apparently these groups are supposed to scare away the bad spirits right before Christmas and the New Year, hence the scary masks and bears, and loud non-sensical drumming. It makes a lot more sense now:)
We met for the first time with an investigator who has been taking lessons for a couple years and invited her to come to church. AND SHE CAME TO CHURCH!!!! Soooooo happy!! It was the first time she had ever been to church and she has been taught for so long! This city is small but it is filled with great people:)
Love you all!! I will send out some more pictures in a bit.
BTW  Mom I told President Ivory the mission president in my weekly e-mail that you would be watching Downton Abby for me this new year and his reply, " Downton Abbey will be great but it can wait for now. Cheers." Love you all!
-Sora Long

Craciun Fericit December 29, 2014

Happy Christmas!!!!
My Christmas in Romania was filled with many wonders, miracles, and strange looks at the traditions of the Romanian people. For the past couple weeks we have been audience to a number of different performing groups mostly performed by gypsy men in Gypsy women clothing banging homemade drums out of burlap sacks, whistles, bells, and a combination of other loud instruments/objects. There would also be one person in the middle dressed as the capră, or the goat.  They never looked like a goat, just some guy in a really big shaggy costume. As we neared Christmas week the number of performing groups increased. So did the number of carolers and fireworks. On Christmas Eve we were serenaded outside of our apartment building by a big brass band blasting Jingle Bells and they were GOOOOD!! So we dropped a leu from the seventh floor where we were at and of course the bill didn't quite make it to the ground and got stuck on the 4th story ledge.
This last Saturday the street was filled!! and I mean filled with performing groups from towns and cities all in traditional Romanian gear.  There were people dressed in these super cool bear suits with red dreads and they looked supper cool!!!
 You could probably google Romanian New Year costumes or something and all the creepy masks and bear stuff that will pop up was all there in the street with us.  We didn't get many pictures... There was this guy dressed in an orange outfit and he had a long gross thick wig on who stopped and talked with us cause we were cute and the whole time Sora Merkley and I are thinking, what the heck is going on? Seriously, we still haven't had the chance to ask a Romanian what all of the dancing and stuff that went on meant.
For Christmas Eve a member in the branch took us to a mountain near his house and we went hiking.  Sooo fun!!! It felt so good to be in the mountains in the middle of no where and not be in the hustle and bustle of the city!! I kept running up the hills and sliding in the muddy slopes.  I say muddy slopes because it was super muddy!! It was probably about 60 degrees outside and we were all in jackets or t-shirts by the end of our hike on Christmas Eve.  Sora Merkley captured a video of us singing "Where are you Christmas" purely for the lack of snow!!  One the way home he stopped by a natural well to get some water that people were literally lined up to drink from.  A group of young Romanian Carolers walked by in traditional dressed and we asked Dan the member if he could ask them for a picture.  He chased them down and said, "My friends here are from Romania and would like a picture with you if that is ok." And the befuddlement upon their faces was priceless, what were Americans doing in this ridiculously small town by the well?
This week we were able to meet with our one investigator, (So different going from 13 investigators with weekly contact to one investigator with little to none contact) it was the first time that I was able to be there for a lesson.  But we were not sure what her back ground was as far as what she has been taught as her record in the Area book hasn't been kept very well.  She hadn't been taught anything spiritual for a very long time but she knows almost all of the sister missionaries who have ever been in here Bacau.  So we sat down and shared a small quick scripture with her and discovered where she was at.  Invited her to church and she said, "Of course I will come to church!" It was seriously so easy.  This woman is amazing and I am so excited to work with her. 

Things in this city move kinda slow, but I am learning patience and seeing the fruits:) later than expected, but seeing them. I really really like Sora Merkley:) She is cool and she is doing great:) We get along very well and we work together well. I am so lucky to have had all the companions I have had.  They literally all turn into my best friends.  Lucy me! (crap knock on wood fast!!!)
On Christmas Day we had permission to watch It's a Wonderful Life despre ce am fost atat de entuziasmata  aka which I was really excited about!! Because it is one of my favorite movies, yes I did tear up, no I didn't cry, ok maybe I cried:) We then opened all the gifts we got each other as a district and the 12 pairs of earrings were awesome!!!! LOVE earrings, especially as a sister missionary:) and I literally have every color of the rainbow now. Then we took turns skyping our families and playing ping-pong in-between.
Seeing my family members beautiful faces was priceless!! So fun to Skype you all including Jade and Tyler;) Kenzie and Alden did some awesome dance moves for my and I have some lovely screen shots of their cute bums:) Dalan is soooooooSSOOSOSOSOSOOO tall! I can't even believe it and his voice is starting to sound hecka deep. Mom said she is gonna watch Downton Abby season 5 in memory of me:) Loved it. I got some words of wisdom from my Father and my Grandpa and I was uplifted.  Thank you family for all that you do for me and all of your prayers.  I feel them:) I feel the love that you send me and it really helps me be the strong little missionary I am supposed to be.
Sora Long

Branch Christmas Activity!! December 22, 2014

We were up in the city of Galati this week for zone conference and found time to walk down to the Danube river, the second longest river in Europe and famous and huge and pretty!!! But when we went down to see it it was sooooo foggy!! So We were literally able to see only a few feet across the river and nothing on the other side.  We stayed that night at the sisters apartment. There was an angry banging on the door and someone rang the door bell several times.  I checked the peep hole and noticed it was an angry Romanian woman in a robe and curlers. The sisters that lived at this apartment refused to answer the door saying that they wanted someone who didn't actually live at there apartment to answer the door.  As none of the other sisters had successfully completed the task of changing into pajamas I was the only one left to open the door. So I opened the door and let this Romanian woman yell at me for an extended period of time about how it was 10:00 and we were too loud and she was going to call the police and stuff if we were not quiet. And all I kept thinking was she was going to wake up the entire apartment if she didn't shut up soon.  I honestly did not understand most of what she said, so I apologized profusely shut the door in her face and hoped she wouldn't call the cops. All in all it was funny, so we laughed quietly and went to bed.

In other news, it is CHRISTMAS THIS WEEK!!!!
Woot! Woot!!
   I freakin' love this city of Bacau! It is so small and so cute and the people here are amazing. This week we worked really hard to prepare a Christmas activity for the branch and it was different in the sense that literally the four of us missionaries were the only ones who planned the whole thing.  There was one member here who worked her little heart out for this party. She made all of the food for us and we went over to her apartment and spent hours making Sarmale with her.  Sarmale is meat, rice, and seasoning stuffed and wrapped into picked cabbage or grape leaves and boiled for 5 hours. We literally wrapped 270 sarmale. I mean holy cow!! That was a lot of sarmale. The activity was going to be a talent show as well as dinner and we spent time preparing our talents for the branch and getting some of the branch members to commit to participate. For my talent Elder Avila played the guitar (I know that I know how to play the guitar, we were sharing the talent) and I sang a Romanian  hymn, "O Ce Veste Minunata." And let me tell you that took a lot of time and team work to put that together.  
Except after all the dinner was served, and that was 270 sarmale served to 30 people who cannot eat buffet style without eating all the food before anyone else gets any as well as 4 beautiful potato salads made by this member and a ton of soda pop, it was time for the talent show!!!!!!
And everyone backed out of the talent show.  There was only Elder Avila and I who were going to perform.   So we did! And as we sang our song, people started singing along to fast for the guitar and people we talking really really loud in the back ground, "Wait, how many kids do you have? SIX KIDS?" And I was laughing sooooo hard I couldn't help myself heheheh.  But I made it through on pitch and on beat and Elder Avila did a stellar job playing the guitar.  And that was the summation of the Bacau Branch Talent Show 2014.
   Afterwards we had a game night with the youth in the branch who were all home for Christmas.  We played Settlers of Catan the European version, and family this game at home is called Settlers of Zarahemla.  And Sore Merkley and I kicked trash!!!! HAHAHHAHA It was bomb! We have some really amazing members here in Bacau. Andrea, and Alexandra are the two cutest members ever and I love them so much! They are amazing examples to me on how to be a strong member.  They literally have the strongest testimonies and never doubt anything. Love them:)
Anyways! Merry Christmas!! I love you all!!!
-Sora Long

Packed up my Bags, Goodbye Black Sea! December 17, 2014

So this week has been crazy!! Technically it is has been a week and a half.... But yea.  I visited pretty much everyone one in the branch in 2 days as well as packed up to go and holy cow 2 days is most definitely not enough time to pack up and go.  Transfers use to be announced Saturday morning but they changed it to right before church on Sunday, I mean I think that was why I had such a hard time at church not crying and stuff. 
Anyways, my vote is for Saturdays!
My last lesson in Constanta was with a cute lady from the branch who we have been visiting for a while and trying to get her ready for the temple.  She is afraid that doing temple work will disturb her ancestors and she will be cursed, so she is not getting her family history done.  It is really sad because she has no children so the work for her parents and siblings won't get done anytime soon in this life.  Every time I am over there I can feel her family asking us to teach her about family temple work and the importance there of, but she just would not get it.  We took the senior couple Elder and Sister Alston over with us for the lesson at her request and right before we started the lesson this member asked the Senior Couple to give the lesson instead of us! So we translated a lesson from English to Romanian and man, what troopers are the Alstons for giving a lesson so incredibly last minute.
After the lesson I asked Elder Alston for a blessing and it was one of the most humbling experiences of my life.  I was told many things but one of them was to remember that the reason I came out was that I was here primarily serve the Lord.  Which was interesting because I think for a while I started focusing on the people as the primary reason instead of the lord if that makes sense? Actually it might make me sound like a terrible person, but it was really perspective changing.
Wednesday morning I pulled all my suitcases to the door at 4:30 in the morning and went back to my window and opened it up and looked out to the Black Sea for the last time.  Aww man!! I am going to miss that place!!!
On Sunday I gave a talk about the true gift of Christmas and it went really well! Surprisingly well actually.  The gift of tongues is real, and I most definitely do not know the Romanian language and I doubt that I will know it fluently by the time I leave.  I will tell you a missionary secret, most foreign missionaries do not come back fluent language speakers, crazy to think of that right? I am sure working hard at studying, but the grammar of this language is kickin' my pants!!! Closest living language to Latin and it has the craziest rules. literally the craziest rules... We have like declensions, and moods, and all sorts of grammar junk. It is rare to not make mistakes in every conversation that I have. Getting there, sooner than later hopefully.
The branch here is absolutely amazing, I love it.  The members here are so incredibly strong.  It is really interesting to see how the history and politics of Romania have really effected the growth of the church. The mission was opened in 1993, at that time the communist government had just been overthrown in '89.  The church grew rapidly here and in 2007 Romania joined the European Union which meant they had, for a lack of better terminology, European citizenship and for the first time the Romanian boarders were open for people to migrate to other countries and have other opportunities.  Then there was a mass exodus.  The branches were crippled because of the amount of members leaving Romania and now here we are trying to get the branches here back up to normal capacity. A lot of the members went "missing" as they moved away and didn't request their membership records or moved to areas where the church wasn't available.   These were most of the young adult members and families and in our branches we have a lot of senior members. We have about 2,900 members in Romania, but that is not the amount of active members.  In Bucharest alone they have about 120-150 active members and 500 less active members that missionaries are currently tracking down their where abouts. The reason why I brought up this history is because it is mentioned every Sunday, the big question, how do we keep the members we have in Romania so that the church can grow here? One member approached me and I learned that he had been in-active for a while and has now come back to church and when he came back the branch had gone from 30-40 people a week down to 6-15 people a week.  He asked me, "Where did all the members go?" It was a really sad conversation. 
In Zone Conference this week we learned that we are literally the best mission in the world as far as retaining members, once they are baptized they stay and they don't leave. Yes!!! So we are getting it down, and we are well on our way here in Romania.
Seriously the branch here is so cool!! There members are so incredibly kind and hilarious!! I just got let into the comedy central of Romania and it cracks me up. There is one older couple here that made me smile when I met them. The wife is blind and the husband is deaf.  And right when they came into the church the blind sister came right up to me and introduced herself leaned into my ear so her husband couldn't here and said, "He is my husband, he is my husband. He can't hear." hahah! And he saw her talking to me and said really loud.  "I am her eyes and she is my ears." Sweet, sweet people.  I felt so welcomed into this family and I am so ready to help them here. Anyways I love you all, can't wait to see your faces in ... 9-8 days? Not sure how long till Christmas, but then:) Love you all so much!!

Here is a picture of my companion and I at the Zone Conference in Galati, we had a scarf exchange for Christmas.
And Aunt Michiko as promised here is a picture of two kids singing carols for money.  They came into the restaurant we ate at for lunch today:) I know the one on the left looks seriously soooo happy:)
-Sora Long

Leaving my first city!!! December 7, 2014

At this exact moment there is a gypsy kid trying to stop me from sending my em1-0ail I am just going to keep all the mistakes he types in *because I am done trying to fix the,m.

This week was super great!!! I found out that I will be LEAVING Constanta. 
Seriously though I am really sad, excited to start a new adventure but I feel like I am leaving my family all over again.  I have lived her in this city for the last 6 months of my life and is it really hard to think that I will never see some of these people who I love never again.  Still waiting on the confirmation that Bacau is the place for me, but I am sure I will just get a whole new family to love:)
Yep, I will be in a new city on Wednesday Bacau Romania!!! 
I am so excited!! I know next to nothing about this city, and I am soooo sad to leave Sora Sayre.  She is the best ever! And we have had much to fun these last two transfers ate a little too much nutella, but hey.

So Christmas will be in Bacau! When I bore my testimony in church yesterday after I was finding out I was leaving there was a cute member in the branch Sora Mihaela who stood up and bore her testimony and say to me over the pulpit, "Don't be sad! Bacau is beautiful and the people there will make you way more Sarmali!" It was hilarious:) Anyways, love you all I will be in a new city for Christmas! Pretty cool Christmas present! 
-Sora Long

Miracles Do Happen December 1, 2014

This week  President Ivory (the mission president) and his family brought Carl Champagine the current project manager of the Rome, Italy Temple to Constanta and give two fantastic presentations.  The Saturday presentation was at a Hotel on the coast of the Black Sea where a bunch of engineering students are living.  We publicized for that sooooooooooo hard!!! But when the time came around for us to start the presentation, no one had showed up.  There were 145 students housed in the hotel so we had made a goal as a district to have 10% attendance or if you do the math 14.5 people. We went back out to the hotel and directed people from the lobby to the presentation. The Elders ran through the hotel and knocked on doors to invite people down.  Sora Sayre and I watched as one by one the Elders would get a person and walk them down to the presentation then return to the hotel floors to get more audience members.   By the time 30 minutes had past the start time we decided to go ahead and get started.  Elder Alston stood up and took some pictures because what happened was quite miraculous.
14 people had shown up.
He told us later as the presentation went on that he was sad that 14.5 people didn't show up we were just short of our goal!!! When midway through the presentation another student walked into the room.  There ya go, 14.5 people on the dot:) Seriously prayerful goals man! 
The presentation that night was so amazing! President Ivory at the end of it pulled out 14 Book or Mormons and passed it out and talked about how success can be learned from the scriptures.  It went so well!! 14 Book of Mormons were given out in that meeting and we are really optimistic about all the people who came. 
Then on Sunday a huge turn out with 50 people who showed up to hear the presentation on Temples around the world.  It was pretty dang cool!!!! I love this place:) It really is the best. 
Then in the Sacrament meeting one just new member was announced that he was found worthy to receive the Aaronic Priesthood and another member, one of the most amazing member missionaries I have ever met was announced worthy for the Melchizedek Priesthood.  Another Sister from the branch had her mission farewell this week.  I am so proud of her!! This branch is growing so much!!! 
Love you all so much!!! Merry Christmas!! It is December 1st here is Romanian Independence day, but for me it is officially okay to say Merry Christmas! 
Sora Long

The Best Thanksgiving Ever!! November 24, 2014

Ok!! So it has been 1 and a half weeks since I wrote! A lot has happened.
We got a new senior couple! And they are really really really awesome!! I am so grateful for them and the sacrifice that they have made to come out here on a mission.  They really do make a difference in the branch.  For instance this week was Thanksgiving and they spent a whole week prepping for it going from store to store and finding all of the American ingredients like pumpkins and Turkeys which are very slim and far between. They also have been cooking pies and other food for the last 3 days!!! Me=grateful for the Senior couple.

One thing we see here is people hanging their rugs out the window and shaking them like crazy! So we got it into our heads that we really needed to clean our rug.  Except that our rug was a little larger than you would think.... By the time we had our 8x10 rug hanging outside our window and we were trying to beat it with our broom handle. We were laughing so hard we almost had no strength to keep holding it!!! It was soooo heavy! We soon realized it was too heavy to actually pull it back inside our apartment and we were stuck holding a rug outside our window for 40 minutes.  We finally rolled it back in after much tugging and pulling and laughing.

We had one investigator that we love!!! I absolutely love her!! But she is not progressing and flat out told us one day that we were mistaken and wrong and that all religions were correct and when she gave the closing prayer she asked to bless the poor naive girls who know nothing about life or religion and help them have more understanding that what she thought was the correct way to think.  So it was sad but we had to stop teaching her, so we left her a Liahona (Ensign) conference edition.  We called to invite her to the baptisms and when she picked up the phone she immediately said, "GIRLS!! I am so glad you called me.  I have been reading this magazine you gave me and it is amazing.  I feel so good when I read it and everything that is in it is true!" It was really cool:) We met with her and she had so many questions.  One for instance was who we were before this life? I love it when people ask that question.  So we will see where that goes. 

This last week we had 2 baptisms!!! Which is crazy awesome.  I have been here in Romania for 6 months now and these were the first two baptisms I have witnessed and it was a little miracle for us to witness these baptisms. 

As you will be able to see from the pictures, there is literally a huge pool that we baptize people in.  It took 2-3 hours to set up, 6 hours to fill up and it was cold! So we boiled water all day for both baptism and dumped it in there, but I don't know if that made a difference.  One member told me what a disaster it was that the water was cold. I replied by saying, well my mom was baptized in Japan in a tub of ice water, outside while it was snowing, she was okay:) The water was a lot warmer than that.

My favorite part of both baptisms was not the actual baptism.  It was the testimony that both of these amazing converts gave after they were baptized.  Perez had a lot of friends come to his baptism and he flat out invited all of them to be baptized over the pulpit. Daniela had written her testimony before her baptism but once she took it up to the pulpit she just shared what was in her heart.. The spirit was so strong!! It is so amazing to see the change of heart that the gospel brings.  Especially with our own investigators.  Daniela is perfect.  A rock could have taught her and she would have known what was said was true.  But I am so grateful to be that rock.  I am not  a perfect teacher but hearing her say in her testimony, "I know this church is true" and "I hope that Constanta will have a temple so that I can go." (She has been praying for a temple in her prayers every time she meets with us.  She also sends us little text messages telling us that  she is praying for a temple.)

The church is true!! I am loving my mission.  This last week alone we doubled the amount of lessons we had mission wide. That is crazy!! It is fun to be in a mission that is starting to pick up speed.  We were promised by Elder Kearon of the 70 that we would see miracles here in Romania and I have been witness to many of them.  This Thanksgiving I am so grateful to be serving here! I am grateful for my family and the amazing opportunity that I had to grow up in a  gospel centered home. I am grateful for my mothers ol' rotten potato recipe that I didn't get to eat this year because the cheese in Romania is a little ... different to say the least... so it wasn't worth trying to make. 

I heard about Dallin Hunt passing away this week and I would like to send out my sincere condolences to the family.  This news broke my heart. I know that this gospel is true and that there is a plan of redemption, and I am so grateful for it.  My prayers are with the Hunt family who are absolutely an amazing example of love and perseverance.  I love you all! 

Sora Long
Sora Sayre and I found a really awesome Piata this week and got ourselves some Russian hat made from polar fox fur in Brasov. 

Thanksgiving dinner!
More baptism photos:
So  when we were filling up the font it sprung a leak!!!! I hurriedly took out some of my gum and shoved it in the hole.  Orbit fresh really works wonders in a pickle.  It held for 3 days straight!!

These are our dogs here in Constanta.  For the last 6 months of my life they have dutifully walked us home and kept us safe every night. One of them is named pokey because he pokes his nose wherever he can, he had just poked me in the bum when this picture was taken. 

A Funeral - November 17, 2014

Holy cow what a crazy week!! We had  funeral on Tuesday for a member of our branch.  It was so interesting to see the Romanian side of a funeral. Right after the funeral we had an amazing first English class, seriously super awesome! Our English class is super stoked to be there! Then we ran from the church to the Gara (Train station) got on a train and traveled overnight for the next  13 hours to Iasi for a huge mission conference.  We had Elder Kearon from the quorum of the 70 come and present.  It was so fantastic and spiritual!!!
I wish I could explain more fully the miracles that I have been witnessing here, but I honestly do not know how to type them.  The growth of the church here in Romania is on the tipping point.  This week we had a record amount of people in church, as in ever! This week is a Baptism week! Our investigator Daniela will be baptized on Friday along with Perez! 
At one point in the conference a little 6 year old gypsy boy walked into the room toting along his 4 year old sister. They just waltzed in like they owned the place while an apostle of the Lord is speaking to us and start playing the piano. HAHAHA!! Then at one point They were outside trying to get into the building and we had opened a window and he started crawling up the wall and yelling vreau si eu!! Si eu!! and me and me!! I want to come to the party!! And he was trying to climb through the window. Hilarious!

For the lunch break he invited a bunch of us to eat lunch with him and we got to sit and talk with him about our lives and families:) 
After the conference we popped on another train for 13 hours and made it back to constanta just in time for our next English class! Then we had a lesson and by that time we were more than dead. As in super dead! 

Love you all! 
-Sora Long

Us Mormons Don't Cry November 10, 2014

Our baptism is still set!! This week we had district meeting and learned that Constanta is leading the Zone!! Woot!!! It looks like we will be having at least 3 baptisms here and that is CRAZY!!!
This week is also crazy because the 14th is my 6th month mark on my mission! I have already served 1/3 of my mission!!!! It is going by so crazy fast and I am really seeing a pick up in the work here in Romania.  Also in Moldova things have been picking up as well and they are expecting 5 baptisms this transfer! Holy Cow!!! 
We had a member of our branch pass away this week.  Fratele Nitca.  In the time I have been here I have only witnessed him to miss 4 weeks of church due to a fall 4 weeks ago that paralyzed him.  He was an amazing member.  He literally would shuffle into the church and slowly make his way up two flights of stairs every Sunday for Sacrament meeting.  The missionaries were invited to his house after he had passed so we could discuss what needed to be done for the funeral and he was laid in his coffin right in front of us during the meeting. The Branch President once was all said and done said a few words about this man, which I took notes on because it was so powerful. In English he said,
"This man is a great man.  He brought himself to church every week even though he could hardly walk.  And for this I think he is saved,"  He touched Fratele Nitica's head and continued with tears in his voice, "Us Mormon do not cry because he is died, we cry because he is happy, he is truly happy." 
What a wonderful gospel we have!!!!! And isn't it so true? How he said it in his broken English, "Us Mormon do not cry because he is died, we cry because he is happy, he is truly happy." These members have such faith here! Fratele Niticas wife is one of the strongest members I have ever met and she dealt with this trial with such faith and hope. 
Thank you for all of your e-mails I wish I had more time to reply to them all:) No creeper stories this week. I love you all, the church is so true and I am so grateful for that.  I am grateful to be here in Romania and witness how it blesses the peoples lives here. 
Love you all so much! 
-Sora Long
Daniela our investigator, my testimony in the front of the BOM

 and the biggest spider I have ever seen on my face....


Contacting with Mihaela plus Halloween!! November 3, 2014

This week was so great!!! Halloween was such a creepy day though not gonna lie.  It isn't celebrated in Romania, more of a if you want to you can because it is American and Americans are cool kinda thing.  We had two guys in masks walking down the street towards us so we veered to the side and as we passed one of the grabbed my head an stroked my hair and said, "Frumoasa" meaning beautiful. My companion was walking too fast to see it but bleg creepy!! Then as we were nearing home it is dark and we go down a nicely lit street and we pass a house that is in construction and looks super Cool! Sora Sayre says, "We should get a good creepy selfie from that house and send it to our moms." Right as she says that a guy slowly rose up from behind the dilapidated fence wearing a black hood and a scarf around his face and looked right at us.  I mean, seriously the creepiest thing I have ever personally witnessed in my life.  We gasped, grabbed hands and hightailed it out of that street as fast as we could. But we couldn't stop laughing because it was so ridiculous that had actually happened on the dark street of Romania on Halloween night right as we were talking about a scary selfie for our Moms! HAHAHA! I was coughing really hard, we couldn't breath and we knew we were both safe.  It was just the guard of the construction site.  He sleeps under that fence every night.

We have some really cool things happening in Romania right now, thank you for all of your prayers for us in Romania! We need it.  We have two baptisms scheduled in Constanta right now on of which is our lovely investigator Daniela from the HAlloween party.  Such a cool time to be a missionary!! 

Good things are happening and the Lord is blessing us and our friends. We currently have eleven baptisms scheduled:

3 in Panduri
3 in Chisinau
2 in Constanta
1 in Arad
1 in Balti
1 in Brasov

The church is true and the boulder is moving in Romania!! We had a really cool activity with a member in our branch this week and we found someone on the bus.  It was the best contact ever!!!!!!!!!! 
The church is true, bye! 
-Sora Long

A picture of us and Sora Mihaela contacting

Imagini inline 1

Austin Long Comes to Constanta!!!

So I saw my cousin Austin Long this week!!!!   So crazy cool that right at the exact moment I got on the computer for p-day he called mom from Romania and then mom e-mailed so that I could meet with him. Still can't get over how random that was.  Best day ever!!
The second I saw him at the mall we ran to each other but as he got closer I stuck out my hand and screamed, "Ahhhh!!! I can't hug you!! I am a missionary!!!" and he screamed ,"What?!!!" And shook my hand really awkwardly. It was hilarious!!!
I also found out this week that I am staying in Constanta for this next transfer with the same companion and I am stoked! 
President Ivory, the president of the mission, is really liking the changes we are bringing to this city.  He used Sora Sayres and my numbers as an example of a good numbers in the Mission Leader conference and had everyone compare their numbers to us.  I don't think we were suppose to know about that but someone told me and it really made me smile:)  I feel really proud of the work that I am doing, proud and thankful and humble that I have been able to help these people in my path.  We will be having a baptism this transfer, my first, with our investigator Daniela who is one of those people you come across and you find that they already understand almost everything about the gospel perfectly. The branch is literally so excited I though the second counselor of the branch presidency was going to burst into tears at the prospect of a baptism.  The last baptism here was about a year ago. We are getting ipads this transfer and Elder Kearon from the quorum of the 70 is going to come visit us:) Really excited for that. It was a great week! It is funny how the Lord puts us in places to touch certain peoples lives. Geez I am tearin' up now! How freakin' cool is that!

So this picture is from the Halloween party. The black guy is Pariz, the dude that proposed to me last Sunday.  The lady in the red is Daniela our investigator,
The childrens English class that we teach wanted to do a #selfie. Hahaahah!!
I love you all I am so greatful for all of you and for all the love that I have received from you. 
Sora Long