Monday, January 26, 2015

La Multi Ani! January 5, 2014 Scratch that 2015!!! :)

La Multi Ani! means some thing like To many years! Or in other words.....


I am sitting in a internet café surrounded by gaming junkies.  After being here 4 weeks I can officially say I see the same kids every Monday playing their video games as I write to all of you.  I think we are becoming great acquaintances:) They are all yelling really quickly in Romanian and every now and then they say three worded phrases in English that are pronounced very badly and mean something even worse.
In other news, this week was great!! The festivities have finally quieted down but not after seeing more dancing groups.  I also discovered what was the meaning  of all these groups.  I asked one of the members her what tradition was saying, "I mean they don't even sound good."  The reply, "They are not suppose to sound good."
Yep. Apparently these groups are supposed to scare away the bad spirits right before Christmas and the New Year, hence the scary masks and bears, and loud non-sensical drumming. It makes a lot more sense now:)
We met for the first time with an investigator who has been taking lessons for a couple years and invited her to come to church. AND SHE CAME TO CHURCH!!!! Soooooo happy!! It was the first time she had ever been to church and she has been taught for so long! This city is small but it is filled with great people:)
Love you all!! I will send out some more pictures in a bit.
BTW  Mom I told President Ivory the mission president in my weekly e-mail that you would be watching Downton Abby for me this new year and his reply, " Downton Abbey will be great but it can wait for now. Cheers." Love you all!
-Sora Long

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