Monday, January 26, 2015

The Secret Wine Bottle January 26, 2015

We were so close to get what is called here in the mission a Perfect Day.  I mean so close,  one lesson didn't work out and we fell just short.  Oh well. Better luck next time.

We also met with our investigator Elena this week who works at an indoor track.  We visit her and give her lessons at work.   We shared a small spiritual thought about the Book of Mormon, but it was interrupted when we were there a co-worker came into the office and spilled handfuls of sunflower seeds into our pockets.  Then he reached under the desk in the corner and pulled out a small teacup and headed over to the lockers.  "No!" Said Elena, "You have had enough!!" She had a huge smile on her face. Then the man reasoned with her saying, "You can give some to the young ladies too!" "They don't drink wine!" she replied.  "But they haven't tried homemade Romanian village wine!" She peeked around the corner and unlocked her locker to pull out a bag with a large jug in it.  Someone walked into the room and they hurriedly stuff the jug into the cupboard and the teacup behind his back.  They saw who it was, another co-worker who was apparently "in" the cool club and pulled the jug out which had appeared to be a 2 liter Pepsi bottle.  Elena has been asking us to bring her bottles to put stuff in it, but I just never connected until that minute that we were supplying her with wine bottles!!!

While we waited for Elena to get done with work we sat and watched Romanian Pole-vaulters!! One kid was soaring over 21 feet!! It was weird to hear the coach give them advice in Romanian.  And even weirder to hear the kids explain their frustration in Romanian.  It was so cool!! One girl ended the day sobbing on the matt after failing all three attempts. And every now and then a really nice man who smelled faintly of Village made wine would come up to us and fill the palm of our hands with sunflowers give us the Shhhh sign.  He was really cool!!!  

Three kids came up to us, the one in the middle the leader of his little posse and asked us what school were we from.  We responded we were not from here, and when he got the whiff of our accents he and his two followers left rather quickly.  Don't try to flirt with us you 14 year olds!!! We are like 8 years your senior!!! Hahaah!!! It was good fun. 

-Sora Long

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