We were up in the city of Galati this week for zone conference and found time to walk down to the Danube river, the second longest river in Europe and famous and huge and pretty!!! But when we went down to see it it was sooooo foggy!! So We were literally able to see only a few feet across the river and nothing on the other side. We stayed that night at the sisters apartment. There was an angry banging on the door and someone rang the door bell several times. I checked the peep hole and noticed it was an angry Romanian woman in a robe and curlers. The sisters that lived at this apartment refused to answer the door saying that they wanted someone who didn't actually live at there apartment to answer the door. As none of the other sisters had successfully completed the task of changing into pajamas I was the only one left to open the door. So I opened the door and let this Romanian woman yell at me for an extended period of time about how it was 10:00 and we were too loud and she was going to call the police and stuff if we were not quiet. And all I kept thinking was she was going to wake up the entire apartment if she didn't shut up soon. I honestly did not understand most of what she said, so I apologized profusely shut the door in her face and hoped she wouldn't call the cops. All in all it was funny, so we laughed quietly and went to bed.
In other news, it is CHRISTMAS THIS WEEK!!!!
Woot! Woot!!
I freakin' love this city of Bacau! It is so small and so cute and the people here are amazing. This week we worked really hard to prepare a Christmas activity for the branch and it was different in the sense that literally the four of us missionaries were the only ones who planned the whole thing. There was one member here who worked her little heart out for this party. She made all of the food for us and we went over to her apartment and spent hours making Sarmale with her. Sarmale is meat, rice, and seasoning stuffed and wrapped into picked cabbage or grape leaves and boiled for 5 hours. We literally wrapped 270 sarmale. I mean holy cow!! That was a lot of sarmale. The activity was going to be a talent show as well as dinner and we spent time preparing our talents for the branch and getting some of the branch members to commit to participate. For my talent Elder Avila played the guitar (I know that I know how to play the guitar, we were sharing the talent) and I sang a Romanian hymn, "O Ce Veste Minunata." And let me tell you that took a lot of time and team work to put that together.
Except after all the dinner was served, and that was 270 sarmale served to 30 people who cannot eat buffet style without eating all the food before anyone else gets any as well as 4 beautiful potato salads made by this member and a ton of soda pop, it was time for the talent show!!!!!!
And everyone backed out of the talent show. There was only Elder Avila and I who were going to perform. So we did! And as we sang our song, people started singing along to fast for the guitar and people we talking really really loud in the back ground, "Wait, how many kids do you have? SIX KIDS?" And I was laughing sooooo hard I couldn't help myself heheheh. But I made it through on pitch and on beat and Elder Avila did a stellar job playing the guitar. And that was the summation of the Bacau Branch Talent Show 2014.
Afterwards we had a game night with the youth in the branch who were all home for Christmas. We played Settlers of Catan the European version, and family this game at home is called Settlers of Zarahemla. And Sore Merkley and I kicked trash!!!! HAHAHHAHA It was bomb! We have some really amazing members here in Bacau. Andrea, and Alexandra are the two cutest members ever and I love them so much! They are amazing examples to me on how to be a strong member. They literally have the strongest testimonies and never doubt anything. Love them:)
Anyways! Merry Christmas!! I love you all!!!
-Sora Long
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