Happy Christmas!!!!
My Christmas in Romania was filled with many wonders, miracles, and strange looks at the traditions of the Romanian people. For the past couple weeks we have been audience to a number of different performing groups mostly performed by gypsy men in Gypsy women clothing banging homemade drums out of burlap sacks, whistles, bells, and a combination of other loud instruments/objects. There would also be one person in the middle dressed as the capră, or the goat. They never looked like a goat, just some guy in a really big shaggy costume. As we neared Christmas week the number of performing groups increased. So did the number of carolers and fireworks. On Christmas Eve we were serenaded outside of our apartment building by a big brass band blasting Jingle Bells and they were GOOOOD!! So we dropped a leu from the seventh floor where we were at and of course the bill didn't quite make it to the ground and got stuck on the 4th story ledge.
This last Saturday the street was filled!! and I mean filled with performing groups from towns and cities all in traditional Romanian gear. There were people dressed in these super cool bear suits with red dreads and they looked supper cool!!! 
You could probably google Romanian New Year costumes or something and all the creepy masks and bear stuff that will pop up was all there in the street with us. We didn't get many pictures... There was this guy dressed in an orange outfit and he had a long gross thick wig on who stopped and talked with us cause we were cute and the whole time Sora Merkley and I are thinking, what the heck is going on? Seriously, we still haven't had the chance to ask a Romanian what all of the dancing and stuff that went on meant.
For Christmas Eve a member in the branch took us to a mountain near his house and we went hiking. Sooo fun!!! It felt so good to be in the mountains in the middle of no where and not be in the hustle and bustle of the city!! I kept running up the hills and sliding in the muddy slopes. I say muddy slopes because it was super muddy!! It was probably about 60 degrees outside and we were all in jackets or t-shirts by the end of our hike on Christmas Eve. Sora Merkley captured a video of us singing "Where are you Christmas" purely for the lack of snow!! One the way home he stopped by a natural well to get some water that people were literally lined up to drink from. A group of young Romanian Carolers walked by in traditional dressed and we asked Dan the member if he could ask them for a picture. He chased them down and said, "My friends here are from Romania and would like a picture with you if that is ok." And the befuddlement upon their faces was priceless, what were Americans doing in this ridiculously small town by the well?
This week we were able to meet with our one investigator, (So different going from 13 investigators with weekly contact to one investigator with little to none contact) it was the first time that I was able to be there for a lesson. But we were not sure what her back ground was as far as what she has been taught as her record in the Area book hasn't been kept very well. She hadn't been taught anything spiritual for a very long time but she knows almost all of the sister missionaries who have ever been in here Bacau. So we sat down and shared a small quick scripture with her and discovered where she was at. Invited her to church and she said, "Of course I will come to church!" It was seriously so easy. This woman is amazing and I am so excited to work with her.
Things in this city move kinda slow, but I am learning patience and seeing the fruits:) later than expected, but seeing them. I really really like Sora Merkley:) She is cool and she is doing great:) We get along very well and we work together well. I am so lucky to have had all the companions I have had. They literally all turn into my best friends. Lucy me! (crap knock on wood fast!!!)
On Christmas Day we had permission to watch It's a Wonderful Life despre ce am fost atat de entuziasmata aka which I was really excited about!! Because it is one of my favorite movies, yes I did tear up, no I didn't cry, ok maybe I cried:) We then opened all the gifts we got each other as a district and the 12 pairs of earrings were awesome!!!! LOVE earrings, especially as a sister missionary:) and I literally have every color of the rainbow now. Then we took turns skyping our families and playing ping-pong in-between.
Seeing my family members beautiful faces was priceless!! So fun to Skype you all including Jade and Tyler;) Kenzie and Alden did some awesome dance moves for my and I have some lovely screen shots of their cute bums:) Dalan is soooooooSSOOSOSOSOSOOO tall! I can't even believe it and his voice is starting to sound hecka deep. Mom said she is gonna watch Downton Abby season 5 in memory of me:) Loved it. I got some words of wisdom from my Father and my Grandpa and I was uplifted. Thank you family for all that you do for me and all of your prayers. I feel them:) I feel the love that you send me and it really helps me be the strong little missionary I am supposed to be.
Sora Long
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