Monday, January 26, 2015

A Funeral - November 17, 2014

Holy cow what a crazy week!! We had  funeral on Tuesday for a member of our branch.  It was so interesting to see the Romanian side of a funeral. Right after the funeral we had an amazing first English class, seriously super awesome! Our English class is super stoked to be there! Then we ran from the church to the Gara (Train station) got on a train and traveled overnight for the next  13 hours to Iasi for a huge mission conference.  We had Elder Kearon from the quorum of the 70 come and present.  It was so fantastic and spiritual!!!
I wish I could explain more fully the miracles that I have been witnessing here, but I honestly do not know how to type them.  The growth of the church here in Romania is on the tipping point.  This week we had a record amount of people in church, as in ever! This week is a Baptism week! Our investigator Daniela will be baptized on Friday along with Perez! 
At one point in the conference a little 6 year old gypsy boy walked into the room toting along his 4 year old sister. They just waltzed in like they owned the place while an apostle of the Lord is speaking to us and start playing the piano. HAHAHA!! Then at one point They were outside trying to get into the building and we had opened a window and he started crawling up the wall and yelling vreau si eu!! Si eu!! and me and me!! I want to come to the party!! And he was trying to climb through the window. Hilarious!

For the lunch break he invited a bunch of us to eat lunch with him and we got to sit and talk with him about our lives and families:) 
After the conference we popped on another train for 13 hours and made it back to constanta just in time for our next English class! Then we had a lesson and by that time we were more than dead. As in super dead! 

Love you all! 
-Sora Long

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