This week was fantastic!!! I feel like i just e-mailed all of you since I had a late P-day last week. All is going really well. We met with one of our investigators and after a painfully long lesson we were finally able to teach her the restoration. When she heard about Joseph Smiths first vision she snatched the pamphlet out of my hand and said, "What?!" And then went on to explain how beautiful it was that there was a new prophet and read the entire first vision part of the pamphlet out loud to us and kept exclaiming, "Frumos!! Foarte frumos!!" Beautiful!! So beautiful!! It was completely unexpected.

(Cool Picture right? It is a man hole cover in Bucaresti that I found, not all man hole covers are made alike!)
We also had a mission wide premier of "Meet the Mormons" at all of the churches in Romania as well as an open house. It was dubed in Romanian, which is pretty crazy because it is only dubbed in Spanish and French and then randomly Romanian:) I think President Ivory worked pretty hard to get that done. We worked so hard to contact and to prepare for it, but in our branch we had a pretty small turn out, but there was one woman who showed up to the last showing who was pretty interested in learning more about the church.
What a good movie!! I haven't seen a movie in a while and Sora Dupont and I were both crying during the film. One member came up to us afterwards and told us it was an amazing film. She came from about 3 hours away to see it and she told us she was glad she did because she learned that there are other members of the church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (She always uses the full name) who are making just as many sacrifices as she makes to do good in the world and it really strengthened her outlook on the church. This member is amazing, she comes every week no matter the weather or the circumstances she comes. I have really learned a lot by watching her example of sacrific she makes to scrimp and save just so she can make it to church every week.
Love you all!!!
Have a nice week!
-Sora Long
Me and Sora Dupont in front of the same church in Timisoara
Me in TImisoara:)
p.s. Did I mention I went to Timisoara? :)
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