First off we went flower contacting this week. During training study we tied pass along cards to flowers and watched the district. Then we went out side and handed out about a hundred or so of these bad boys. It was so fun!!!
We had a lesson this week with that amazing woman who Sora Allen and I taught last week. We taught her and her son the restoration and she just cried the whole time. Her son and granddaughter were there as well. When we showed them the Restoration video she just started crying even harder. Then we knelt down and prayed together. When we had finished I asked her what she felt and she said that it felt as though a sword had pierced her soul from her toes to her head and she had never felt anything like that before. She said she would be baptized if she found it was true.
This is Cristina, I know Sora Ralls (hem) Keri will recognize her. She had her missionary farewell this Sunday and is heading to the Leon, France mission. She borrowed my name tag for this picture. She is leaving this week!! She is the second missionary to ever go from the Arad branch a pretty big step here!! I am so proud of her so will do great things. It was also Alyssia's birthday this week turned 6 years old and she is the cutest, the number one fan of the sister missionaries!!
We also had an amazing experience with Ana. She was someone we called up in the Area book this week. Keri, you also taught this woman. She let us in and we had an amazing lesson with her. The spirit was so strong and we testified powerfully. We told her that Joseph Smith was a prophet that Christ was our savior and that Christ had restored his true church on the earth again. She nodded her head and without hesitation she said, "Cred." I believe. She we invited her to be baptized and she said she was too old to get into a swimming pool so we read 1 Nephi 3:7 and testified that God would prepare a way if it was a commandment, and that she would be able to be baptized even if she thought she was old. She cried and we discovered the real reason she could not be baptized was because her husband would not permit it. She cried and told us she would be baptized if she could. The spirit worked upon us to issue her a promise, "If you pray with a sincere heart and tell God your desire to be baptized, he will prepare a way and when he does you will know. When this way is prepared will you be baptized?" And she said yes!! Super exciting. We left and waved at her gate saying, "Remember that you are my sister!"
A guy just came up behind my computer and asked me, "What is this a cult?" Then peered at my companions screen and as he leaned closer said, "Yep, hem, its a cult." I just ignored him.
I will not be e-mailing you on Monday this week, I will e-mail you on Wednesday as I will be in the great city of BRASOV! Going to Bran castle and cool stuff like that for our all mission conference. This is our reward as our mission has really stepped up in obedience, I can tell you that this place is 100% different than when I first came into the mission and that is the main reason that Sora Cutler and I are seeing miracles like crazy. I will tell you all about it in my next e-mail:) Love you all !!
<3 Sora Long
<3 Sora Long
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