Friday, November 13, 2015

Getting Knocked out at the church... July 27, 2015

​Happy Fourth of July!!! We had a branch activity in a forest just on the outskirts of Arad.  We had mici and played volley ball.  The only thing missing was the hamburgers, you guys, some explosives and that mans shirt!

Here is a picture of us with our two friends from Paris, they are so cute and invited us over for lunch this week.  Sora Dupont is Skype teaching them from Brasov because they don't know much English or Romanian, just enough for us to get by!

Hilarious, the entire week was hilarious!
First thing we start our first English Class and it went really well. We had a drunk man that was in the class with us and he was a little hard to control...  But it really got good when we started our spiritual thought at the end we started with a prayer and as Sora Cutler said a cute Romanian prayer we unfolded our arms and opened eyes and looked out to our class to see that ALL of them were standing.  Then a really old woman, Vera stood as she recited Our Father, who art heaven... in English, long version.  It was crazy! Then we shared our thought, which ironically was about prayer. After we said the closing prayer and assured everyone they could stay sitting, Vera runs up to the piano and plays C chord and bursts into Romanian song about Christ.  While this is happening The drunk guy is approaching our two cute investigators from Paris and trying to kiss their hand and then tries to kiss one of them!!! So I had to be the bouncer and walk him out of the church because the Elders were gone. Then Vera walks us to the tramvai and she is exchanging phone numbers with our investigators and speaking to them in French about her church, no idea what she said...  But the next English class Vera shows up with an Accordian and is playing and singing like

We had a lesson with one of our investigators about the Plan of Salvation.  She is Jehova's Witness and had never heard of the idea of the spirit world.  When we talked about that and explained it she was pretty much amazed by the doctrine of it.  We taught her about the temple and said it was something unique to our religion that we believe that missionary work happens on the other side of the veil and that we can actually help our family return to God. We got the end of the plan and she said, there is only one thing that I know from the bible that you didn't include in your plan, Where is heaven in your mind because people believe this earth will be demolished and won't exist anymore, that is the only problem I see with this plan.  When we told her that the world will be restored back to the state it was in when it was first created she literally was outstand, it hit her that it was the perfect plan of God.  She is reading the Book of Mormon and is praying for guidance to know if it is true. There is a huge Jehova's Witness convention coming into town this week where about 10,000 JW's are coming into town.

We got drenched in a down pour this week, I mean, with in two seconds we were soaked!!! We were laughing the whole run home!!!

Yesterday when I was in Primary with some of the Young Women in the ward.  We were sitting there playing with the kids when all of a sudden WHAM! Everything went dark. A window about 2 and a half by 4 feet swung down and crashed on my head as I was sitting under it. I am not actually sure if I lost conscience. I mean my world went black but my eyes were closed, so who knows!!  As soon as I figured out what was happening I yelled, "I am fine" in English. and tried to stand up.  But my companion related to me later that they were asking if I was okay and I was just sitting there with head in between my legs for a long time so we came to the conclusion I was out for a few seconds. I was a little dizzy, but all that it was is a big bump on my head. Then I ran into edge of the door this morning and smacked my face into the side of it, which drove me to the ground.  Then when I was putting my shoes away in a shelf this morning and when I stood up I hit the back of my head really hard, tears were brought to my eyes but I couldn't stop laughing because it was so funny!!! 3 goose eggs on my head, I think the spirit is trying to tell me something, but I am not getting it yet.  Mormons really do have horns!! If anyone asks to feel my head to check this week I am going to have to decline!

​This is me after the window knocked me out in primary.  We had no ice in the church so that is a frozen loaf of bread to use for the sacrament, and the freezer drawer was cold enough to put on my jaw (It hurt as well, a little knocked out of place). If you zoom up those are tears because I was laughing so hard.

Picture of us in the rain, a video and a video of Vera Singing for us!

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