The view from our hotel, If you zoom you can see the Castle Cantcuzino in the back ground, 5 lei to whoever spots it first!
Castle Cantcuzino from my awesome zoom on my camera!!! SOOOO COOOL! It also had a really large collection of the most famous surrealist painter Salvador Dali. When we walked in the room we ran out pretty fast because, well, some painters don't seem to really have moral standards...
Some Romania military guys in front of us, I sneaked a picture, it isn't very good but it was cool seeing them on the street.

This is me at Dracula's Castle. Unfortunately my camera didn't hold a charge long enough for me to take any other pictures...
Interesting this about the Bran Castle, Dracula, Vlad the Impaler, never lived at the castle, he was held here as a prisoner once. But the author of the book Dracula had used this castle as the castle in his story which is based off of Vlad the creepy scary dude. He had killed 23,000 people by impaling them!! What a sicko man!! It was so much smaller than I thought it would be!!! Also a kid in our mission, his great grandfather was the person who discovered the secret stair case in the castle. Best part of the whole thing, I got a cool secret box and a $5 T-shirt with Vlads face on it:) Yay me!
Another interesting fact is in the name of Dracula, Drac means Devil, and when you what to make a thing a name to call someone you put a ule on the end for the masculine tense, so Drac + ule= Dracula! And that is where his name comes from, it smacked me in the head while I was there and I thought it was pretty cool.
We were at this place with 100+ missionaries, I heard someone in English say, "Where are they going?" I mean there are 60 Elders with ties and stuff and 40 girls dressed nicely. The other person said, "I think they have a special meeting since they are all dressed up!"

Mountains to Climb
We just got back into Arad today from our mission wide conference down at Brasov. As a mission we worked really hard to become more obedient and we are earning our rewards in miracles and i this wonderful two day conference!!! We headed down to Bucharesti on a 12 hour train ride, then after that to Busteni on a 4 hours bus. I mean we came from all over!!! Everyone was there, even pulled in from Moldova to go to this conference. It was a lot of hard work on the part of The office and the mission president.We went to go on the hike and it had been raining, HARD!!! But when we got to the top we had some really great spiritual experiences. Then after that we headed down the valley to the eat and tour a castle, picture included below! An Elder pulled out his Violin and serenaded every table. Our mission has become a completely different place. There will be baptisms and the miracles are everywhere!! Now that I am getting close to the end of my mission, I am proud to be a part of the change that this mission needed.
On the way to Bucharesti we talked to a woman a little bit and the Restoration came up. We taught her a quick lesson and gave her a Book of Mormon and went back to our seats right behind hers. We could see that she was reading the Book of Mormon and the pamphlet. She started from the first page of the Book of Mormon and we peeked every now and then to watch her read the book all the way to Jacob!! After she finally reached there after 6 straight hours of reading she turned and gave the book back to me. "I cannot read anymore my eyes hurt," She said. I asked if she had liked it. "Yes, I really do. I read all the way until Nephi died." We Put our testimonies in the cover and gave it to her. She was so cute!!! Then she called us later to make sure we got to Bucharesti safe and sound. But she said she would for sure read the whole thing and follow the promise in the back. I mean, she even read the Isaiah chapters, it was incredible!!
The Hero's Cross in Busteni. It is the Tallest Summit cross, ehh? Romania has some cool things! Life goal to hike that mountain one day.

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