Look I am overcoming my fear of Heights!

Here are some pictures!! Nothing really new. Every lesson we had this week the person brought up their fear of the migrants from Syria, they are not at all in Romania, but it is something close to home that they are getting freaked out about.
This week was fantastic:) Sora Cutler is really one of the best missionaries I know. She is solid in the mornings and her obedience is bullet proof. She is always thinking about our investigators and how we can help them come to church or teach them a concept better. I love her she is such a light to me.
This week at church Mariana came and so did the family from Portugal. It really was a great sacrament meeting and the spirit was there. As we continue to teach her the gospel through the Book of Mormon we can see that it is taking deeper root in her heart.
Cati has really changed a lot during these last few weeks. She has come out of her depression and told us when we met with her this week that she feels so much joy in here life now and that she knows it is because of what she is learning. Also committed to stop drinking coffee.
We are in the midst of an investigator pool renewal! We are excited to contact and find the investigators we are going to start teaching anew.
As far as less active members.
A couple of less active girls FINALLY came to church. I am telling you it was a great Sunday here:) They have been so busy during the summer, and I really hope since school has starting they will be able to come more.
We were able to meet up with Ioana this week which made me SOOOOOOOO happy:) When we were leaving were we met up, there was a guy in the back that I was prompted to go back to. So I walk back and introduce myself. It ended up being someone from Constanta who I am pretty sure I have met before!! It was pretty cool:)
We literally taught the BEST spiritual thought for English. The spirit was so strong and we asked if people could feel it and they slowly nodded their heads. It was pretty awesome, definitely a highlight.
Anyways I love you all so much!!
-Sora Long
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