Friday, November 13, 2015

The End November 8, 2015

Well, this is it.  The end.  There were times I never thought it would come.  Even now, I still think that it won't but in the back of my mind is that small annoying thought buzzing around and tapping on the glass window of my subconscious and it says, "You are leaving."  My bags are packed, finally, after wrestling with the broken scale trying to figure out how in the world to know if my suitcases are under 50 pounds.  I have said goodbye to everyone I could think of, wrote letters to a few.  I gave my last testimony yesterday at the chapel in Panduri where a week from now will be an apostle of the Lord speaking to the people that I have taught, and loved, and care for.  The streets are filled with angry people.  Angry about dead loved ones, or dead heros, or a dead government.  
The night is chaos.  The streets are filled with the voice of freedom and the impatient desire of want.  The people are rising again, waving flags with a hole in the middle that echos the cries heard from 26 years ago.  Religion is torn and dragged out of its rightful place, trying to govern a ungovernable people.  The were a broken people a tamed people, a people who were satisfied with the "good enough" syndrome.  They fought once for their country, then once the freedom was granted and the boarders opened the best and brightest left to make a life leaving Romania to try and scrape together a democratic country with the left overs.  The new generation has grown up, those who had the courage to leave have left, and now the courage is back in the people. The youth will not let the dull corruption shape their future.  The voice of Romania has risen again and the people will be heard. I speak to them, "Revolution" the say with courage in their hearts, but fear in their eyes.  They are so young that the deaths at colectiv have enraged their minds and pricked their hearts, but so young to understand what their own deaths would mean to so many others. Romania is on the breaking point in so many ways. All the people need is courage, courage to break free from the tradition of their fathers, the courage to fight for true freedom and here it comes. I can hear it.  I can feel it.

What a time to leave, when Romania is at the verge of changing.  But it is my time I have completed what I needed.  The experience of a mission is one that I thought I knew, but it wasn't until now that I know what it is.  It is sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ everyday, every minute, but it is also endurance and diligence, obedience.  It is something that demands your whole strength and whole soul, but impossibly I cannot give it.  There were some days when I felt I gave my all, most even.  But to be a giver 100% to the Lord is when you find out just how short you fall of that expectation.  And when that happened to me is when I learned to grow.  There are two ways people can react when placed in hard situations. One is to default, to reach inside desperately and find the little switch to turn off the guilt and the turmoil and the desire to try and reach that expectation.  This is when you choose the fall below your potential.  I don't know if I ever thought of it in those terms before, but essentially that is what it condenses to.  The alterior choice was to rise to the challenge.  To try. To succeed.  But sometimes the feeling of failure crept into my heart anyways, that the infinitely high bar was just out of my reach, and getting higher. And this was the part where I grew.  As I reached for that everyday, trying to get to the point of being a perfect missionary, balancing what the world said about me as well as that of my teammates and trying to understand what god said about me. It was here, when I was lifted up.  I could grab the bar, and it was because of the grace of God. But it was still hard!!! And as I figured out little by little the secrets to fulfilling the work, my time grew shorter until I came to this point.  Where I humbly submit and recognize that I am still not the greatest missionary that ever lived, that my time in this arena is over, and that I have finally figured the mission out.  I can speak the language, even better I can understand the language.  I can teach the lessons with incredible power, when I say I, I do not mean me, but that I have discovered how to teach powerfully with my companion and the help of God. And now that I am a great missionary, it is time for me to leave.  
To continue my mission elsewhere.  The mission truly never stops, but I still feel an ending to something incredible.  Never again will I come back to Romania with the same power and authority to teach the gospel. Never again will I wear my cute little black name tag as a Sister missionary, maybe someday as a senior missionary, but it is not the same. But the work goes on. There are many other roles in the hastening, and this experience has solidified me.  I know that my Savior live, that Joseph Smith is a prophet and that this gospel is true.  What more could I ask for in return.  I love you my cute family, sorry if this e-mail sounded dramatic, the old writer in me that has be dormant for a year and a half is waking up again. I am sad to leave Romania, I don't think I will feel the full impact of that sadness until I actually get on the plane and fly away. But I will be so happy when I see your cute faces at the airport in Salt Lake City.  Just please, be patient with me, I am pretty awkward and I am coming out of a very different culture. 

Sora Linder the Last November 12, 2015

I have a new companion!!!  Yay!  My new companion Sora Linder is here from Sibiu and I love her so much:) 
We celebrated Halloween in style!!! Look at our dope pancakes!!!

We went to Brasov to exchange with the sisters from Sibiu. 

We talked too two ladies at the Gara in Brasov who were deaf and I pulled out my sign language.  it was pretty rusty but I was able to talk with them for a full 40 minutes while we waited for the train.  It was crazy! 

Now my days are filled with helping Sora Linder Understand this city and get to know the members.  It is her birthday tomarrow so we went to the Hard Rock Cafe here in Buc, so freakin' fun!!! 

I am still working hard, no worries.  I feel like the advesary keeps throwing stuff at me to get me to back down, but I am up every day at 6:30, and I am still sharing the gospel. 

Love you all so much! 
Crazy week man!!! See you in 7 days, I can't even believe it.

Sora Ghiman comes for a week October 26, 2015

I hope you like the grave yard I found today:) 

This week has been incredibly weird. 

Zone conference was this week which was really great!! I feel like it was forever ago.  It was my LAST ZONE CONFERENCE!!! WHATTTT???

Sora Ghiman si Eu:) My companion for the week is to the left of me, Sora Ghiman from Constanta:) She was on her mission in Canada when I served in her city so I never got to meet her, but we are practically best friends now. 

The Gang October 19, 2015

I am sorry to say I am becoming worse and worse at writing my e-mails home!! I apologize for this and hopefully I will be able to write about what happened a little bit this week.  

While we were at the church for our amazing English Class there was a meting in the building and I was able to see Mariana and Eva from  Constanta again and I was so happy!!!! It was so interesting because I really looked at myself and saw how much I changed:) 

Probably the highlight of my week was when a little gang of 8 year olds surrounded my companion and I at a metro entrance.  The shortest of the bunch being a leader with a cigarette in his mouth about as long as his face.  They left us alone for the most part and just tried to do tricks, but one of them leaned over and started pretending to speak to us in English.  Soon the whole crew was laughing!! So I turned and asked them questions about skateboarding, using all the trivia I knew about it (TONY HAWK) and then before you knew it we were best friends.  I asked them for a selfie and all of them could get over for the picture fast enough. 

We had a district contacting activity this week and Sora Pusey and I were in Charge of it.  The Amazing Race through Herestrau Park.  It was pretty intense and at the end of contacting all of the companionships were running from different corners of the park to the metro where we had to take a picture of us next to a clock to see who was first.  As we got down there, we spotted the Elders zipping away in the train fist bumping the air having beat us.  Too funny!!! But plot twist the SISTER companionship, Sora Green and Sora Spangler had come, taken a pic and left on the previous train and went for the win. 

We have one new investigator this week Cristina.  She is amazing!!! She really liked the lesson on the restoration, and is going to read the Book of Mormon.   We won't be able to meet with her very often due to her crazy work schedule.  But hopefully she will progress!! 

I love this branch.  I feel like I walked into a small ward in Utah.  They are amazing people and are people that are making sacrifices in order to have the church in their lives. Last night we headed to the mission presidents house to teach a member present with them, but the investigator didn't show up.  We had dinner with the Ivorys and with Sister Ivorys parents who are amazing!! There were also two other women who just moved into the branch and both had incredible stories.  My personal favorite part of that lesson was talking to Ellis, President Ivory's son who is 12 years old.  I felt like I was talking to my cute little Dalan!! I know that you are older Dal, but still.  We talked about pysch and how funny Burton Guster was and had the best time over dinner.  Ellis even mentioned that his dream one day was to try butter on a stick deep fried to which we were all surprised to discover was a real thing that another guest had actually tried and liked!!   

I love my district right now.  Literally there are so many missionaries in this city it bows my mind and they are all hilarious. They are working so hard and I am so impressed with how incredible they all are.  It is a completely different mission than when I first came into it and I am hoping it only get better. 

Love you lots! 
-Sora Long

Random Letter

Dear Missionary Families,
We are Paul and Alisa Canova of Salt Lake City. We had the privilege of working alongside and visiting with your sons and daughters while in Romania today. Our Romania visit was part of a three country tour in support of the wheelchair initiative sponsored by the welfare department of the church.
These Elders and Sisters were all so helpful at today's wheelchair distribution event, doing translating, greeting, and providing special care for those who came to receive a wheelchair. We are so grateful for their help.
We wanted each of you to see they are alive and well.
All our best.
Paul and Alisa
Inline image 1Inline image 4

Rise to Action for Women October 5, 2015

WOw.  That is really all I can say about this week.  President Ivory told me that for my last transfer I would experience a change of pace and I don't think he was lying! Buc is a HUGE city!!! 

This week Was so crazy! I got down here for transfers and found out that we would be changing apartments, moving into an Elders apartment in fact.  But we were not able to get our stuff moved until Friday.  That apartment was so messy!! And I was told by Elders that it was the cleanest one in Bucuresti.  As we were scrubbing my companion and I were not to worried about being married anytime soon.  Don't want a sister missionary to think about marriage? Have her go clean an Elders apartment. 

There are 8 missionaries in my district. I know right! 8!!! And there are 2 districts here in Buc, so that  makes 16 missionaries total.  I felt like I was at a zone conference!! It is so weird having so many of us.  But my district this week met in the metro and had something called a "Metro Race." Now as I think about it I think we are probably the only mission in the world that can do that because our city is not split into zones, the whole city is our sandbox:) So we got on the metro with a point system established of contacting, conversing, getting phone numbers and getting back to the meet up point first.  Of course my companion and I rocked it!!! We even had time to get a covrig!! Slow and steady wins the race man! 

My favorite part from conference was Elder Nelson: 

Much of the major growth that is coming to the Church in the last days will come because many of the good women of the world (in whom there is often such an inner sense of spirituality) will be drawn to the Church in large numbers. This will happen to the degree that the women of the Church reflect righteousness and articulateness in their lives and to the degree that the women of the Church are seen as distinct and different—in happy ways—from the women of the world.
- President Kimball
"Step forward, take your rightful and needful place in the home and in the kingdom of god.  More than ever before I plead with you to fullfill his prophecy and I I promise you in the name of jesus christ that as you do so  the holy ghost will magnify your influence in an unprecedented way... 
And as one of his apostles I thank you my dear sisters and bless you to rise to your full stature to fulfill the measure of your creation as we walk arm in arm in this sacred this work.  Together we will help prepare the world for the second coming of the Lord."

When he ended his talk on this I felt the spirit so incredibly strong.  It has been amazing to see who I have become on my mission, and I hope to continue to grow so that I can do my part in fullfiling that 

An edition from Kimballs talk not included in conference:

"Thus it will be that female exemplars of the Church will be a significant force in both the numerical and the spiritual growth of the Church in the last days.

No wonder the adversary strives, even now, to prevent this from happening!"- President Kimball.

I mean so cool!! The church is true, the book is blue, but it should be red.
-Sora Long

Last Transfer, New Area September 29, 2015

I haven't had time to e-mail this week!! It was transfers and I found out I was headed to a new area for my last transfer, the great a terrible Bucaresti! What?! I think everyone in the mission was shocked by that a little. But I am excited, I thought maybe I might be one of the very few who would escape the capital city, but here I am. It has a population larger than the whole state of Utah and I already know my way around because of all the transfer say traveling.  It is a big change from what I am used to.  From small non-functioning branches I am going to the big leagues.  And branch that acts like a ward which will be really weird for me. 
My new comp is Sora Pusey who went to BYUi and graduated in Ceramics.  Man I am going to miss Sora Cutler, she has been a highlight of my mission.  I think all of my companions were when I served with them, but it is so hard to say goodbye.  I didn't really get a chance to say my farewells to some of the youth in Arad because I had to pack and leave so fast so as I made farewell phone calls on the 12 hour train ride and man did they make me cry!! They were so shocked I was leaving and I didn't get to give them a hug.  I feel so bad! But hey, there was no other way really. 

But hey!! Last transfer, and I am not dead yet! I am so ready to hit this city hard and have the best transfer ever! 
Love you all! 
Sora Long